What is Stationarity in Time Series Analysis?
In econometrics, time series data are frequently used and they often pose distinct problems for econometricians. As it will be discussed with examples, most empirical work based on time series data assumes that the underlying series is stationary. Stationarity of a series (that is, a variable) implies that its mean, variance and covariance are constant over time. That is, these do not vary systematically over time. In order words, they are time invariant. However, if that is not the case, then the series is nonstationary. We will discuss some possible scenarios where two series, Y and X, are nonstationary and the error term, u, is also nonstationary. In that case, the error term will exhibit autocorrelation. Another likely scenario is where Y and X are nonstationary, but u is stationary. The implications of this will also be explored. In time series analysis, the words nonstationary, unit root or random walk model are used synonymously. In essence, of a series is considered to be nonstationary, it implies that such exhibit a unit root and exemplifies a random walk series.
Regressing two series that are nonstationary, likewise, yields a spurious (or nonsense) regression. That is, a regression whose outcome cannot be used for inferences or forecasting. In short, such results should not be taken seriously and must be discarded. A stationary series will tend to return to its mean (called mean reversion) and fluctuations around this mean (measured by its variance) will have a broadly constant breadth. But if a time series is not stationary in the sense just explained, it is called a nonstationary time series such will have a time-varying mean or a time-varying variance or both. In summary, a stationary time series is important because if such is nonstationary, its behaviour can be studied only for the time period under consideration. That is, each set of time series data will therefore be for a particular episode. As a result, it is not possible to generalise its relevance to other time periods. Therefore, for the purpose of forecasting, such (nonstationary) time series may be of little practical value
How to detect unit root in a series?
In a bivariate (2 variables) model or that involving multiple variables (called a multiple regression model), it is assumed that all the variables are stationary at level (that is, the order of integration of each of the variable is zero, I(0). It is important to state at this point, that the order of integration of a series in a regression model is determined by the outcome of a unit root test (or stationarity test). If the series is stationary at level after performing unit root test, then it is I(0), otherwise it is I(d) where d represents the number of times the series is differenced before it becomes stationary. But what if the assumption of stationarity at level of the series in a bivariate or multiple regression model is relaxed and we consequently allow for a unit root in each of the variables in the model, how can this be corrected? In general, this would require a different treatment from a conventional regression with stationary variables at I(0).
In particular, we focus on a class of linear combination of unit root processes known as cointegrated process. The generic representation for the order of integration of series is I(d) where d is the number of differencing to render the series stationary. Hence, a stationary series at level, d = 0 is a series with an I(0) process. Although, for any non-stationary series, ‘d’ can assume any value greater than zero, however, in applied research, only the unit root process of I(1) process is allowed, otherwise such series with higher order of integration (d > 1) should be excluded in the model as no meaningful policy implications or relevance can be drawn from such series.
Here is an example of a bivariate linear regression model:
Yt = 𝛂₀ + bXt + ut
Assume Yt and Xt
are two random walk models that are I(1) processes and are independently
distributed as:
Yt = ρYt-1 + vt,
≤ ρ ≤ 1
Xt = ղXt-1 + et,
-1 ≤ ղ ≤
and vt and et have
zero mean, a constant variance and are orthogonal (these are white
noise error terms).
We also assumed that vt and et are
serially uncorrelated as well as mutually uncorrelated. As stated in [2] and
[3], both these time series are nonstationary; that is, they are I(1)
or exhibit stochastic trends. Suppose we regress Yt on Xt.
Since Yt on Xt are
uncorrelated I(1) processes, the R2 from
the regression of Y on X should tend to zero;
that is, there should not be any relationship between the two variables.
Equations [2] and [3] resemble the Markov first-order autoregressive model. If ρ
and ղ = 1, the equations become a random walk model without drift. If
ρ and ղ are in fact 1, then a unit root problem surfaces, that is, a
situation of nonstationarity; because we already know that in this case the
variance of Yt is not stationary. The name unit
root is due to the fact that ρ = 1. Again, the terms nonstationary, random
walk, and unit root can be treated as synonymous. If, however, |ρ| ≤ 1, and
|ղ| ≤ 1, that is if their absolute values are less than one, then it can
be shown that both series Yt and Xt are
stationary. In practice, then, it is important to find out if a time series
possesses a unit root.
Given equations [2] and [3],
there should be no systematic relationship between Yt and Xt as
they both drift away from equilibrium (i.e. they do not converge), and
therefore, we should expect that an ordinary least squares (OLS) estimate
of b should be close to zero, or insignificantly different
from zero, at least as the sample size increases. But this is not usually the
case. The fitted coefficients in this case may be statistically significant
even when there is no true relationship between the dependent variable and the
regressors. This is regarded as a spurious regression or correlation where, in
the case of our example, b takes any value randomly, and
its t-statistic indicates significance of the estimate.
But how can unit root
be detected? There are some clues that tell you if a series is
nonstationary and if the regression of bivariate or multivariate relationships
are spurious. Some of these are:
1. Do a graphical plot of the series to visualise the
nature. Is it trending upwards or downwards? Does it exhibit a mean-reversion
or not? Or are there fluctuations around its mean?
2. Or carry out a regression analysis on two series
and observe the R2. If it is above 0.9, it may suggest
that the variables are nonstationary.
3. The rule-of-thumb: if the R2 obtained
from the regression is higher than the Durbin Watson (DW) statistic. The low DW
statistic evidences positive first order auto-correlation of the error terms.
Using Gujarati
and Porter Table 21.1 quarterly data from 1970q1 to 1991q4, examples of
nonstationary series and spurious regression can be seen from the lnpce
and lnpdi relationship. Since the series are measured in
billions of US dollars, the natural logarithms of the variables will be used in
analysing their essential features.
Nonstationary series: the graphical plot of the two variables
shows an upward trend and none of the variables revert to their means. That is,
the data generating process of both series does not evolve around zero. That
clearly shows that the series are nonstationary.
Excel: Example of a nonstationary series Source: CrunchEconometrix |
Note: To
generate the graph: Highlight the cells, go to Insert >> Recommended Charts >> All Charts >> Line
What is a spurious
regression? Sometimes we expect to find
no relationship between two variables, yet a regression of one on the other
variable often shows a significant relationship. This situation exemplifies the
problem of spurious, or nonsense, regression. The regression of lnpce on lnpdi shows
how a spurious regression can arise if time series are not stationary. As
expected, because both variables are nonstationary, the result evidences that a
spurious regression has been undertaken.
![]() |
Excel: Example of a spurious regression Source: CrunchEconometrix |
[Watch video on how to compute the Durbin Watson d statistic]
As you can see, the
coefficient of lnpdi is highly statistically significant, and
the R2 value is statistically significantly
different from zero. From these results, you may be tempted to conclude that
there is a significant statistical relationship between both variables,
whereas a priori there may or may not be
none. This is simply the phenomenon of spurious or nonsense regression,
first discovered by Yule (1926). He showed that (spurious) correlation could
persist in nonstationary time series even if the sample is very large. That
there is something wrong in the preceding regression is suggested by the
extremely low Durbin–Watson value, which suggests very strong first-order
autocorrelation. According to Granger and Newbold, R2 >
DW is a good rule of thumb to suspect that the estimated regression is
spurious, as in the given example.
Why is it important
to test for stationarity?
We usually consider a nonstationary
series for the following reasons:
1. To evaluate the behaviour of series over time. Is the series
trending upward or downward? This can be verified from performing a
stationarity test. In other words, the test can be used to evaluate the stability
or predictability of time series. If a series is nonstationary, that means the
series is unstable or unpredictable and therefore may not be valid for
inferences, prediction or forecasting.
2. To know how a series responds to shocks requires
carrying out a stationarity test. If such series is nonstationary, the impact
of shocks to the series are more likely to be permanent. Consequently, if a
series is stationary, impact of shocks will be temporary or brief.
How to correct for
nonstationarity of a series?
What can be done with
nonstationarity in a time series knowing that performing OLS on such a model
yields spurious regression?
The Unit Root Test
We begin with equations [2]
and [3] which are unit root (stochastic) processes with white noise error
terms. If the parameters of the models are equal to 1, that is, in the case of
the unit root, both equations become random walk models without drift, which we
know is a nonstationary stochastic process. So, what can be done to correct
this? For instance, for equation [2], simply regress Yt on
its (one-period) lagged value Yt−1 and find out if
the estimated ρ is statistically equal to 1? If it is, then Yt is
nonstationary. Repeat same for the Xt series. This
is the general idea behind the unit root test of stationarity.
For theoretical reasons,
equation [2] is manipulated as follows: Subtract Yt−1 from
both sides of [2] to obtain:
Yt - Yt-1 = ρYt-1 - Yt-1 + vt
= (ρ - 1)Yt-1 + vt
and this can be stated
alternatively as:
⃤ Yt = δYt-1 + vt
where δ = (ρ − 1)
and ⃤, as usual, is the first-difference operator. In practice, therefore,
instead of estimating [2], we estimate [5] and test the null hypothesis
that δ = 0. If δ = 0, then ρ = 1, that is we have a unit
root, meaning the time series under consideration is nonstationary.
Before we proceed to
estimate [5], it may be noted that if δ = 0, [5] will become:
⃤ Yt = Yt-1 - Yt-1 = vt
(Remember to do the same
for Xt series)
Since vt is a white
noise error term, it is stationary, which means that the first
difference of a random walk time series is stationary.
Excel: Example of stationary series Source: CrunchEconometrix |
Visual observation of the
differenced series shows that the three variables are stationary around the
mean. They all exhibit constant mean-reversions. That is, they fluctuate around
0. If we are to draw a trend line, such a line will be horizontal at 0.01.
Okay, having said all that.
Let us return to estimating equation [5]. This is quite simple, all that is
required is to take the first differences of Yt and
regress on Yt−1 and see if the estimated slope
coefficient in this regression is statistically different from is zero or not.
If it is zero, we conclude that Yt is
nonstationary. But if it is negative, we conclude that Yt is
Note: Since
δ = (ρ − 1), for stationarity ρ must be less than one. For this to happen δ must
be negative!
The only question is which
test do we use to find out if the estimated coefficient of Yt−1 in
[5] is zero or not? You might be tempted to say, why not use the usual t test?
Unfortunately, under the null hypothesis that δ = 0 (i.e., ρ = 1), the t value
of the estimated coefficient of Yt−1 does not follow
the t distribution even in large samples; that is, it does not
have an asymptotic normal distribution.
What is the alternative?
Dickey and Fuller (DF) have shown that under the null hypothesis that δ = 0,
the estimated t value of the coefficient of Yt−1 in
[5] follows the τ (tau) statistic. These authors have
computed the critical values of the tau statistic on the basis
of Monte Carlo simulations.
Note: Interestingly,
if the hypothesis that δ = 0 is rejected (i.e., the time series is stationary),
we can use the usual (Student’s) t test.
The unit root test can be
computed under three (3) different null hypotheses. That is, under different
model specifications such as if the series is a:
1. random walk (that is, model has no
constant, no trend)
2. random walk with drift (that is, model
has a constant)
3. random walk with drift and a trend (that
is, model has a constant and trend)
In all cases, the null
hypothesis is that δ = 0; that is, there is a unit root and the alternative
hypothesis is that δ is less than zero; that is, the time series is stationary.
If the null hypothesis is rejected, it means that Yt is
a stationary time series with zero mean in the case of [5], that Yt is
stationary with a nonzero mean in the case of a random walk with drift model,
and that Yt is stationary around a deterministic
trend in the case of random walk with drift around a trend.
It is extremely important to
note that the critical values of the tau test to test the
hypothesis that δ = 0, are different for each of the preceding three
specifications of the DF test, which are now computed by all econometric
packages. In each case, if the computed absolute value of the tau
statistic (|τ|) exceeds the DF or MacKinnon critical tau
values, the null hypothesis of a unit root is rejected, in order words the
time series is stationary. On the other hand, if the computed |τ| does not
exceed the critical tau value, we fail to reject the null
hypothesis, in which case the time series is nonstationary.
Note: Students
often get confused in interpreting the outcome of a unit root test. For
instance, if the calculated tau statistic is -2.0872 and the DF tau statistic
is -3.672, you cannot reject the null hypothesis. Hence, the conclusion is that
the series is nonstationary. But if the calculated tau statistic
is -5.278 and the DF tau statistic is -3.482, you reject the
null hypothesis in favour of the alternative. Hence, the conclusion is that the
series is stationary.
*Always use the appropriate critical τ values
for the indicated model specification.
Several tests have been
developed in the literature to test for unit root. Prominent among these tests
are Augmented Dickey-Fuller, Phillips-Perron, Dickey-Fuller Generalised Least
Squares (DFGLS) and so on. But this tutorials limits testing to the use of ADF
and PP tests. Once the reader has good basic knowledge of these two techniques,
they can progress to conducting other stationarity test on their time series
How to Perform the
Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) Test
An important assumption of
the DF test is that the error terms are independently and identically
distributed. The ADF test adjusts the DF test to take care of possible serial
correlation in the error terms by adding the lagged difference terms of the
outcome (dependent) variable. For Yt series, in
conducting the DF test, it is assumed that the error term vt is
uncorrelated. But in case where it is correlated, Dickey and Fuller have
developed a test, known as the augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test. This test is
conducted by “augmenting” the preceding three model specifications stated above
by adding the lagged values of the dependent variable.
…so, let’s get started!
First step: get the Data Analysis Add-in menu
Before you begin, ensure that the DATA ANALYSIS Add-in is in your tool
bar because without it, you cannot perform any regression analysis. To obtain
it follow this guide:
File >> Options >> Add-ins >> Excel
Options dialog box opens
Under Active Application Add-ins, choose Analysis ToolPak
In the Manage section, choose Excel
Click Go, then OK
If it is correctly done, you should see
![]() |
Excel Add-in Dialog Box Source: CrunchEconometrix |
…and you have the Data Analysis menu to your extreme top-right corner under Data menu.
Excel Add-in Icon Source: CrunchEconometrix |
Second step: have your data ready
Using Gujarati and Porter Table 21.1 quarterly
data from 1970q1 to 1991q4. We are only
considering the series of pce in natural logarithms (because the
variable is initially measured in US$ billions).
Remember, that the ADF equation
is given as:
⃤Yt = δYt-1 + vt
Hence, there is need to create 3
additional variables: the difference of lnpce, the lag
of lnpce and the lagged difference of lnpce.
Note: The augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test is conducted
by “augmenting” the model specifications by adding the lagged values of the
dependent variable.
Here is the data in excel format:
![]() |
Excel: lnpce Workfile Source: CrunchEconometrix |
Third step: Run the regression in “level”
Go to Data >> Data Analysis
(dialogue box opens) >> Regression
>> OK >> dialog box opens
![]() |
Excel: Regression dialog box Source: CrunchEconometrix |
data range for dlnpce under Input Y
data range for lnpce_1 and dlnpce_1 under Input X Range
label box
Confidence Level box
Output range
(You have simply told Excel to regress the dependent
variable, dlnpce, on the explanatory
variables, lnpce_1 and dlnpce_1), and the output is shown as:
![]() |
Excel: Augmented Dickey-Fuller Result for nonstationarity Source: CrunchEconometrix |
Excel: Augmented Dickey-Fuller Result Critical Values Source: CrunchEconometrix |
Decision: The null hypothesis of a unit root cannot be rejected
against the one-sided alternative hypothesis if the computed absolute value of
the tau statistic is lower than the absolute value of the DF
or MacKinnon critical tau values and we conclude that the series is nonstationary;
otherwise (that is, if it is higher), then the series is stationary.
Decision: On the other hand, using the probability value, we
reject the null hypothesis of unit root if the computed probability value is
less than the chosen level of statistical significance.
Fourth step: Run the regression in “first difference”
Having confirmed that lnpce is nonstationary, we need to run
the test again using its first difference. So, the next thing to do is to
generate the first difference of dlnpce
(that is, D.dlnpce) and estimate the
equation. The data for the first difference equation is shown here:
![]() |
Excel: Dlnpce Workfile Source: CrunchEconometrix |
And the output of the regression is shown as:
![]() |
Excel: Augmented Dickey-Fuller Result for Stationarity Source: CrunchEconometrix |
After unit root
testing, what next?
The outcome of unit root
testing matters for the empirical model to be estimated. The following scenarios
explain the implications of unit root testing for further analysis.
Scenario 1:
When series under scrutiny are stationary in levels?
If pce and pdi are
stationary in levels, that is, they are I(0) series (integrated of
order zero). In this situation, performing a cointegration test is not necessary.
This is because any shock to the system in the short run quickly adjusts to the
long run. Consequently, only the long run model should be estimated. That
is, the model should be specified as:
pcet =
𝛂₀ + bpdit + ut
In essence, the estimation
of short run model is not necessary if series are I(0).
Scenario 2: When
series are stationary in first differences?
· Under this scenario, the series are assumed to be non-stationary.
One special feature of these series is that they are of the same
order of integration.
· Under this scenario, the model in question is not entirely useless
although the variables are unpredictable. To verify further the relevance of
the model, there is need to test for cointegration. That is, can we
assume a long run relationship in the model despite the fact that the series
are drifting apart or trending either upward or downward?
· If there is cointegration, that means the series in question are
related and therefore can be combined in a linear fashion. This implies that,
even if there are shocks in the short run, which may affect movement in the
individual series, they would converge with time (in the long run).
· However, there is no long run if series are not cointegrated. This
implies that, if there are shocks to the system, the model is not likely to
converge in the long run.
· Note that both long run and short run models must be estimated
when there is cointegration.
· The estimation will require the use of vector autoregressive (VAR)
model analysis and VECM models.
· If there is no cointegration, there is no long run and therefore,
only the short run model will be estimated. That is, run only VAR no VECM
· There are however, two prominent cointegration tests for I(I)
series in the literature. They are Engle-Granger cointegration test and
Johansen cointegration test.
· The Engle-Granger test is meant for single equation model while
Johansen is considered when dealing with multiple equations.
Scenario 3: The
series are integrated of different order?
· Should in case lnpce and lnpdi are
integrated of different orders, like the second scenario, cointegration test is
also required but the use of either Engle-Granger or Johansen cointegration are
no longer valid.
· The appropriate cointegration test to apply is the Bounds test for
cointegration and the estimation technique is the autoregressive distributed
lag (ARDL) model.
Similar to case 2, if series are not cointegrated based on Bounds
test, we are expected to estimate only the short run. That is run only the ARDL
· However, both the long run and short run models are valid if there
is cointegration. That is run both ARDL and ECM models.
In addition, there are
formal tests that can be carried out to see if despite the behaviour of the
series, there can still be a linear combination or long run relationship or
equilibrium among the series. The existence of the linear combination is what is
known as cointegration. Thus, the regression with I(1) series can
either be spurious or cointegrated. The basic single equation cointegration
tests are Johansen, Engle-Granger and Bounds cointegration tests. These will be
discussed in detail in subsequent tutorials.
In conclusion, I have
discussed what is meant by nonstationary series, how can a series with a unit
root be detected, and how can such series be made useful for empirical
research? You are encouraged to use your data or the sample datasets uploaded
to this bog to practise in order to get more hands-on knowledge.
[Watch video on how to perform stationarity test in Excel]
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